哔哩哔哩   2023-05-21 23:01:06


Ten minutes later, the man came back. What lament conveyed the condolence by the officer,could not console my heart.I blurted out,the girl who under the terrace is my sister! I converted that she would waved me when I come back.So it is the reason why I must find her whether she dead or not at full blast.The man who behind the officer whispered,reminding the officer of my perseverance.Subsequently,the man who account for rescuing agreed the advise that drawing on the machines .The series of tragedy exhausted me,elevating me extreme.My eyes glowed with excitement.So surprised I am,speechless,grabbing the officer’s hands.

Excited that ,the soldiers began to clean the hole.The hole more and more almighty with time goes.My uncle circled from the debris to the river bank .Every endeavour we did was short of the god.The officer induced me to give up because it is no feasible to survive during a such long period,so the next dig is the last dig.I invoked the god not to capture mu lovely sister.Suddenly,the worker shouted that,there is a girl  in  the hole.Approaching and beating,the girl was turned out my sister!Without any sentences,my sister said I believe that you must find me.My tear could not refrain my controlling,inducing the surrounding man cried.